Writers owe much to many. I’m making this page to acknowledge work done by others that have made the Altearth tales possible. I am not making links because links (and company names!) change over time. This is an acknowledgment list, not a reference list, but if you like their work I encourage you to look them up.
Zach Bodenner, cartographer and illustrator
Maps for Goblins at the Gates and A Child of Great Promise
Fiona Jayde, artist
Cover art on Goblins at the Gates
My main critique group
Milo at Deranged Doctor Design, artist
Cover art on Mad House and A Child of Great Promise
Mythic Scribes
The very best online community for fantasy writers
Jenn Reese, artist
Design of the Altearth website logo
Jeremy Tolbert, Clockpunk Studios
Website design
Simon Lee Tranter, artist
Logo design for print material